Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Think happy thoughts...

This is the shirt for all my summer programming at Church this summer.
My graphic design genius, did this design for me, and looking at it just makes me smile.
I remember the first time I met Terri. She was part of a committee that interviewed canidates for the RA positions at the girl's dorm at my college. I had no idea that was the beginning of a very dear friendship in my life.
Terri introduced me to two of my most favorite things; Survivor and Twizzler bites. I can not see either one of these things and not think about Terri.
Today, I am so thankful for all the ways God has used her in my life.
Who are you celebrating today?


Rebecca said...

That's an AWESOME Shirt!!! Can you get one that's small enough for Jacob!! I think that'd be HILARIOUS!

Lisa said...

That is a cool shirt. I want to go to the detective camp!!

You're required to guess more on my contest since you started it...

terriH said...

Ashlee, you are too kind. Who knew way back then all that would enfold between us??

I remember at the end of the RA interview, Lisa asked you if you had any questions and you looked at me and said "Who are you???". That was so funny.

I don't think I enjoy Survivor as much now because I don't have you there to watch with me. It's just not the same! Let us never forget the "Survivor Rules"...remember when we posted it on my door during the Survivor hour???

You are a huge blessing to me as well my friend and I am lucky to count you a dear friend.

Laura said...

I love that shirt!! what am I celebrating?? It is Wednesday.. closerto the weekend. I have nothing planned. which makes it even better.

Ashlee Liddell said...

I can only order a child's small. Jacob could probably wear it in two or three years.... :)

Lisa, you are MORE than welcome to come to detective camp!!!

Terri...oh terri.... I do remember asking who you were...glad you weren't offended! Oh, this week I am going to post Survivor rules on el blogo for fun. I might just make up some new ones.... such great memories!