Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The House of Pies...

Well, we went to the House of Pies.

The coffee gals and I, and, well, it was not blog worthy.


I had this whole post planned with fun pictures of us and our pie selections. Then, I was going to have the gals rate their pies, and post their reviews....

You were going to stop whatever you were doing and drive yourself to the nearest House of Pies.

BUT, I won't be driving myself to the nearest House of Pies anytime soon, or possibly ever.

It wasn't awful, it just wasn't blogworthy either.

(And yes, that is now how I rate all important things in my life, blogworthy or not...a wonderful life I am living, I know!)

So, sadly, I offer no pictures. No rave reviews....

When was the last time you were disappointed trying a new eatery?


terriH said...

was it kinda like going to a village inn or spears?

sorry it wasn't so fun for ya.

my friend and i went to this mexican restaurant once over lunch. i'm thinking the place it's in used to be a gas station so you can use your imagination from here as to what it looked like.

anyhoo...we figured with the look of it, that it might be some fantastic hole in the wall mexican food. not so much. the prices were high and the food reminded of something you would heat up in the microwave.

we haven't been back. gracias.

dancing queen said...

Sorry it was disappointing to you. Honestly, I haven't been there in years. It used to be a 'hot spot' and an a very interesting place to be late night on the weekends. Susan

kd_rundle said...

That stinks...I was pretty jazzed about hearing about the yummy pies after checking out the website. I wish I could transplant Kentucky's Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen to Houston for ya' because they've definitely got some amazing pies (and ice cream).

Typically, trying to find a good Chinese restaurant is where I run into bad food. Other than my reliable stand-by, PF Changs, I haven't come across a knock-out independent chinese place up here yet.

Laura said...

Im sorry you had a bad experience!
It would have to be Kona Grill.. I expected it to be fantastic and it was hohum...and the service was not so good.

Ashlee Liddell said...

Actually Terri, the decor did remind me a bit of village inn now that you mention it.....I said something like "I feel like I am back in 1976" when we first sat down.

Lisa kindly pointed out, I had never actually BEEN in 1976.... :)

Your hole in the wall sounds like quite an adventure!

Susan, no need to apologize, we all wanted to go and never have to worry about having a good time when we are together!

Oh Kristy your pie place sounds divine! And very much like what I was hoping to discover at the House of Pies.....