Thursday, August 21, 2008

In case I had forgotten...

I got a call from my boss today.

He had a calendar question and wanted to make sure that the only thing happening on February 2nd at the church was our Upward Basketball games.

After I confirmed this for him, he said, "Okay, well put a men's ministry event on the calendar as well. We'll be shooting guns and the kids will be playing basketball."

Yup. That's right. At our little country church we shoot guns. When was the last time you shot a gun at church?


Anonymous said...

I like shooting guns. By the way, I love reading your blog.


Ashlee Liddell said...

Thanks Laurien! I enjoy your blog very much as well! Hope school is going okay.

raj said...

I haven't shot guns on a church property before, but I once shot with a trustee of our bible college (who is also a church elder) after I led music at his church. We shot at bowling pins.

Apparently it's a thing people do. I'm going back to the 'burbs now, not packing heat.