Monday, September 08, 2008

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Oh how I have missed blogging! And my faithful five blogger friends, and your witty comments, and sharing the most entertaining and fabulous posts with you (you know that is why you keep coming back!).....

Alas, I share with you the top five reasons why I haven't blogged for almost a week...

5) Soccer started, which means by the time I get home at night I am ready for bed. Not blogs.

4) I was out of town two Sundays in August. This is a miracle and one of the hardest things I have done in ministry. I have been doing lots to recover from being gone, as well as in anticipation for the absences.

3) In the time crunch I was reading my fave blogs, but that didn't leave me time to post on my own....

2) The RNC happened, and I simply couldn't pry myself away from Sarah Palin's stellar speech!

1) Comcast is of the devil. We have been without internet AND cable at the homestead for a good FOUR DAYS now. After being promised service on Friday and Saturday by no fewer than five different employees, we still have not received service. So, feel free to weigh-in on your favorite (or most hated) internet providers...... because I am sure you will hear more of my complaints as this saga drags on....

So, what's new with you?