Sunday, October 12, 2008

300 reasons

Don't panic, I am not about to make a list of 300 reasons.

While by now you know I am most certainly capable of rambling on long enough to make such a list, that is not what is going to happen here - today. ;)

Today was a special day.

Today was one of those days where God lets you see a small glimpse into what He is doing all around you.

Today, He used a cookie, an email, and 300 people to remind me of what He has called me to be a part of.

Oh yes, I said a cookie, an email and 300 people!

One of my precious pre-schoolers made the cookie for me. As her face beamed with pride, she presented her treasured gift to me. And while a cookie that was made on Tuesday, and presented on Sunday, might not be a reflection of what God is doing to you, it spoke volumes to my heart. While struggling with the decision to leave my beloved students and teaching job, one thing I really agonized over was not being able to have the same kind of special bond with kids I would see just once a week.

Somehow, this small heart shaped cookie with purple frosting peirced my heart.

Then, our church had a big day. One we have been working and praying for all of 2008, and probably even longer than that. We had 300 people in attendance on a regular service Sunday! Normally I try not to pay attention to numbers because it just means we have less space to put all the kids, but truly it was awesome to know that God was/is leading our little church!

And I came home to an email from a family that has been visiting our church due to playing soccer with us. She mentioned in the email that her children call our church "the soccer ball church!"

To be able to see the fruit of what God is doing all around you, is such a great reminder of the value of humility.

Here's to cookies, emails and 300 more reasons to celebrate what God is doing all around you!


terriH said...

That story gave me goosebumps. Precious!!