Thursday, October 09, 2008

Snakes, guns, and the wild wild west....

Some of you are already questioning how "real" this post can be based solely on this title.

I want you to know that the events I am about to share with you are in fact, totally true. And also totally from my perspective.

This could be long, and might even be worth it!

I have to start off by saying I have never shot a gun. Water guns, yes. Real guns, with you know, actual ammo, never even held one in my hand (or do you need both hands? See I really don't know a dag-blasted thing about guns....) Well, life in the wild wild west is a little different (wild wild west = Needville).

Now, let's get to the real story.

One fine Saturday morning, our first weekend of soccer games, the sun was shining and all was right in the wild wild west. There were people everywhere watching their kids play soccer.

As I am making the rounds talking to different parents, a man comes up and interupts my conversation with one set of parents.

He asks the dad, "Do you have a pistol in your car?"

"Sure do," the dad answers.

"Can you get it and shoot this snake that is over by the lake? Greg wants the thing killed."

Already out of his chair and walking with the man towards his car to retrieve the pistol I hear him say, "How big is this thing?"

I strained to hear the answer, and in the absence of hearing a size my mind automatically registered this snake at six feet long. Totally accurate, I am positive.

Did I mention all the people watching the soccer games?

Oh yes, and the CHILDREN playing soccer?

And we know have people going in search of pistols with the express intent of FIRING them off DURING my first weekend of soccer games!

You guessed it, absolute hysteria and panic broke out. There was even hyperventilating as people ran for cover and protection.

And by people, I do mean ME.

Forget saving the kids, I was absolutely panic-stricken. Never mind I wanted the snake dead too, I just didn't know why we had to go shooting off guns DURING MY FIRST WEEKEND OF SOCCER GAMES?!?!?!

Well, they shot that poor snake right in the middle of four soccer games.

Somehow I was able to refrain from screaming, crying, or shouting, "Everybody down. Get down, it's a drive by!" from the top of my lungs.

That, my friends, is what we call a miracle.

Not a single parent even turned their head in the direction of the gun fire.

Not one.

And I learned something very important that day. Out here in the wild wild west, gunfire means the cowboys are still in control.

It is a peaceful sound. A sound that assures everyone that there is no where they would rather live than in the wild wild west.

So, how about you?
Ever heard gun fire during one of your kids sporting events? Or at church?
How does your church feel about the "handling" of snakes?


Lisa said...

Absolutely hilarious....
Kind of brings a new meaning to the "I do all my own stunts" shirt. :)

Ashlee Liddell said...

I hadn't even thought of the shirt!!!

It was really hilarious, after the fact of course! I was a nervous wreck for the seven minutes before the shot went off. Then I was upset that we would have to shoot the thing right at that moment.

Greg did explain to me he saw some kids noticing it and that is why he wanted to take care of it immediately....

life in the wild wild west!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Thanks for the phone call today Heidi... you brought a smile to my face!

terriH said...

poor snake. i would have LOVED to see you in action, ashlee. :)

Joe said...

Ashlee...we could have gone snake hunting when you came up to visit! Maybe next time. Up here...this is the real wild west...but I dont leave the gun in the car...

HeidiZizz said...

our deacons wear pistols in holsters on Sundays to church...just in case someone forgets to drop something in the offering tray...what's the big deal?

terriH said...

okay, heidi. that WAS fun.nee. i definitely laughed outloud. there may have even been a snort...