Wednesday, December 17, 2008

12 Days of Christmas, continued...

I went to sleep last night feeling my stress level rise.

I was worried about getting everything on my list finished before leaving town today. I was increasingly concerned about how I continue to fill my days so there is no margin for error, or relaxation.

I woke up this morning feeling the same pressure.

I have been busily, hectically working through my list when it dawned on me.

If I keep up this pace, this mentality, I will lose all the joy of this time of year.

The Christmas cards I am sending will become a task instead of a heart felt thank you.

The trip I am taking to help my grandparents prepare for Christmas will become duty instead of a treasured part of my family history.

My trip to the Little Gym will be on my to do list instead of a chance to slow down and love on two of my favorite little girls.

So, I made a decision.

I am slowing down. Some things will just be done at a later date. I will not be sucked into the drama of this time of year.

Instead, I am going to look for opportunities to savor a Savior who came to this earth just like you and me. His life, His birth and subsequent death, made a way for my salvation - and yours.

And the greatest gift I have been given, is the One I should be sharing this holiday season.

The rest, all the rest, is not worth stressing over.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the post, I have had the same thought in the last few days! Thanks for reminding us of this!