Things I normally have checked off my list before December 16th...
All my "away" gifts mailed. You know, the gifts to the people who you love but won't be with on Christmas. Yup, I almost always have those mailed by now. This year, I have mailed exactly NONE of them.... yikes!
Christmas card letter written, and most letters at least ready to be addressed. (Okay, so this is not always true, but it is always an intention of mine!) This year, I am attempting to send a personal Christmas card to everyone who served in an area of ministry I am over....grand total sent- ZILCH!
All Christmas presents purchased. This year, I am pretty close to finished but still lack a couple of smaller type items.
I usually have the entire upcoming year of ministry planned out. This year, I have through the end of August sketched, but not "planned" and the fall and winter haven't been touched! Ouch!
I am normally looking forward to a two week "break" from my normal work load. This year, I am feeling a little pressure at the thought of taking of a couple days here and there. I miss my teaching schedule!
So, since I am so far behind my normal end of the year schedule, I decided to take on a blogging adventure and post for the next 12 days straight! That is right, straight through the holiday mayhem, you can find me here, BLOGGING for YOU!!!
So, share with all of us....what do you normally have done by this time of year that you haven't quite crossed of your list yet!
Christmas shopping. Normally I have picked up one or two random things earlier in the year and at least had an idea of what other presents I want to pick up. Neither have happened so far this year.
Baking. I usually bake a ton the two weeks before Christmas, I havent even started!
Shopping...baking...all of it. I am so stressed out--it shouldn't have to be this way! I wanted it all finished so I could relax with the kids when they're out of school but that is NOT going to happen. Ugh. It seems that a lot of people have waited until the last minute this year. I have to admit that it makes me feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one!
Decorations - tons in the attic, none in the house.
Baking - we have enough flour & sugar to maybe make 1 batch of something.
Gifts - immediate family and little girls are done. Everyone else can be okay with the gift of love.
Time spent with family - together for 10 days and is absolutely priceless and makes all the other things on my 'to do' list look stupid. Really.
Yay for the 12 Days of Christmas! Sounds like a good blogging venture. Your fans are also waiting for more Palace stories though.
Wrapping presents - I've wrapped zero. Hopefully some of that will get done today!
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