Monday, January 05, 2009

Here we go...

Well, my weekend was rough.

If Saturday and Sunday were any indication as to what 2009 holds for me, then I am not quite ready to go one more day into this year.

I think for some time now I have "known" that God is doing mighty things all around me, but Saturday was one of those days were you realize that you have a lot of catching up to do to walk down the path He is blazing...

I am continually going through the process of figuring out if the things that are on my plate need to by on my plate, and what needs to be removed to provide balance and sanity to my life. One thing I have realized is that I have not made nearly a large enough portion for my personal life, and that is going to change this year.

So, this week I am going to post some things I am going to work towards figuring out this year, in an attempt to be accountable to the entire bloggy world. That is can check in on me...ask questions, be annoying... whatever you see fit.

For those of you out there who are good at balancing your priorities, what tips do you have for me?


Lisa said...

As an ovvver-busy person, my only advice stems from my very recent success at relaxing...

Take two weeks off! Or was this supposed to be only practical and doable suggestions...

Get a dog! They are very relaxing! And you always have to be at home at a regular hour to feed the pup and let him outside. :)

Hmm...what about practical and Ashlee appropriate...I think you already do this, but designate a set day or half-of-a-day in your weekly schedule that is absolutely yours alone. No plans with friends or family. No commitments to work. And you might end up doing "to-do"s but if you do, this allows you to choose which ones will help your sanity the most for the rest of the week: instead of being obligated to do dishes because someone is coming over, you can choose to do grocery shopping or whatever. OR you can skip shopping altogether and catch up on your DVR shows of course.

Laura said...

I agree with Lisa.
Sit down. List what your priorities are. REALLY are.
Does God want you involved in all those? Remove OR deligate some of those. "No" is not a bad word. It is a helpful word and will keep you from being crazy and You can't do EVERYTHING well. But the setting half a day or 2 hours each morning for YOURSELF..MOST important!

HeidiZizz said...

I would have to agree with these have to say no sometimes. It is healthy. It is OK. You will still go to heaven!

You must take some time for yourself on a VERY REGULAR basis...

When at all possible...leave your work in your office. Meaning, don't be working on work as you're falling asleep...or eating meals...or surfing the internet. You (especially since your office is at home...I know about this) have to make a line between work space and Ashlee space as much as possible.

Also, tell Greg that you want to be flown to KS once a month for a four-day weekend retreat at Lakeview Christian Camp. (Year-round and on the church, please and thankyouverymuch).

Love you!

dancing queen said...

I am determined to read the book "Boundaries: When to say yes, how to say no to take control of your life" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend. I'll let you know what happens then.

Laura said...

You know Susan.. Neil threw that book at me a couple years ago..and it did WONDERS! I HIGHLY recommend it! It helped me find the difference between what I should do and what I just felt guilt about doing. : )

Ashlee Liddell said...

I think you are right Heidi...a trip to KS every month would make all the difference in the world! Too bad I didn't think of that before my year end review...we could have talked about it! :)

Thanks for all the tips gals...I am working towards progress on this myself.... will put some of this into motion...soon!!!

Lisa said...

The Boundaries book is awesome! Yaay, I highly recommend it too! I read it once a year or so.

Cindyisms said...

Hi Ashlee! Happy 2009 to you & yours :o) I'm catching up on my blog buddies' bloggies at a ridiculously early hour in the morning - and am hooked on reading on these neat updates, interesting adventures & fun ramblings. God bless & best wishes in EVERYTHING you've got going on!

(PS - Dibs on the Boundaries book - an awesome read!)