Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Is it really Wednesday?

So, I am really having an itch to do some major shuffling around of furniture.

Like moving my bedroom to where my office currently is, and moving my office into my current bedroom.

It would involve moving LOTS of furniture.

And a continued purge of things I have been "holding on to because I know I will need it the very second I dispose of it" which would be good.

I really don't have time for this project, but for some reason I have decided it would make my struggle with boundaries much easier to tackle.

So, why here is the deal....I need your I dare undertake this project? Will I benefit all year long?



terriH said...

here's what i'm thinking...ask yerself: "if i don't move everything around, will i continue to think about it until i'm crazy??" if the answer is "yes"...then moving is what you should do.

we don't want you to become crazy.

Lisa said...

Hmm. I'm all for rearranging, because I love to do that, *however*. How would this make your life easier exactly, as your current office seems much smaller than your current bedroom. This would effectively make your 'personal' space smaller and the space dedicated to working at home bigger. If this is the change in boundaries to which you refer, I think it's supposed to move in the opposite direction...?

I'm all for helping you move too, but Saturday morning I'm already helping my sis finalize her move to her new apartment and clean up. Perhaps a moving-furniture-for-coffee-night?

HeidiZizz said...

i am intrigued by this blog post and probably have to talk to you on the phone about this before I can give advice.

i do agree with terri that we don't want you to become crazy. :)

Ashlee Liddell said...

It's too late...crazy is already here!


Thanks for the advice Ladies, and Lisa I totally ignored the whole working taking up more space than personal space....sounds to funk shay to me (that is how we spell it in Texas!)