There were very few times between the hours of noon and midnight that you would find less than five people in the Palace. Between the four of us that lived in the Palace, there seemed to always be some 'extras' hanging around.
The girls on the couch, didn't live in the Palace. But don't they look like they are at home? Eating, feeting up, hanging out; and they did this at least once a week. They were in Jamie's discipleship group which met in our house. They were just a couple on a long list of regulars that made The Palace their "home away from home" or escape from dorm life.
I don't think I realized it back then, but life in the Palace taught me how important it is to live life with others. Being able to invite others into your home, even if all you have to offer them is Ramen or mac-n-cheese. Not ignoring the door because you are sitting around the table, clipping coupons in your PJ's, because let's face it....that is real life.
And in sharing your real life with others, your own life is tremendously enriched.
Oh the palace! I LOVED that place and seeing you girls when I was there. These posts make me remember all of that!
yesssss...another palace moment :)
lil james
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