Sunday, January 11, 2009

I want to remember this day...

I can remember a time when having 20 kids in our children's ministry was crowded.

I can remember when the foundation of our current building was poured.

I can remember our first Sunday worshipping in the building (without AC!).

I can remember the day we had to switch to two services on Sunday.

I can remember each and every change we have had to make to accomodate our growing Children's ministry.

I can remember my first Sunday at Creekside.

I can remember going through a series of interviews wondering if God was calling me away, only to become more solidified in my call to Creekside.

But today, today I want to remember a day God showed up in a quiet storm.

I should have known He was stirring something only He could, when I drove to church the sky was the most brilliant shade of teal. Bright, unexpected, and radiant. I could barely tear my eyes from its beauty.

And somehow, in the midst of the next handful of hours, three hundred and fifty eight people worshiped their Creator together as one church family.

It was so incredibly awe-inspiring.

I love my church!