Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just what I have always wanted!

I got a gift today.

It wasn't wrapped, at least not in any kind of decorative paper or bag or bow...

It is rather boring, and extremely practical.

It is something I never thought I would own. Ever.

It probably came from some kind of hardware store, like Lowe's or Home Depot...ugh. These places make me crazy!

I think I have to do some kind of assembly before it works correctly or serves its purpose.... double ugh.

It is something I asked for (and am really, really excited about!) but not the version I requested....

Any guesses?

I don't think you will ever guess..... because I don't think anyone can guess, I will even let you ask as many yes or no questions as you want.....

Let the guessing begin!


Lisa said...

Some kind of jungly gym for church with chutes and slides and bells and whistles!

A chainsaw to get in and out of your discombobulated bedroom/office area at home.

My questions:
Is it for work?
Is it a tool of some kind?
Is it electric?
Is it bigger than 2 foot by 2 foot?

Ashlee Liddell said...

Oh Lisa.... good guesses, no go on either guess.

1) it is not for 'my' work,so...no.
2) no
3) no
4) is that l x w or l x h?

Lisa said...

Does it exceed 2 feet in height?

Will anyone at church use it for work?

Is it sports related?

Is it water related?

Is it....your very own classically modern checkerboard pattern kitchen sink! (something we'd never guess)

Is it a chainsaw to help you with your next home rearrangement adventure?

Ashlee Liddell said...

No to height, width, and length question unless it is in use.

no one on staff will use it to work

no and

good guesses. your imagination might be larger than mine.... your guesses sound so much more impossible than what it is in reality.... hope its not a let down...

Lisa said...

A measuring tape!! Oh I win.

Ashlee Liddell said...

I am certain Lisa is going to win this guessing game (unless the one person I told decides to ruin everyone's fun and share...), but measuring tape or any kind of measuring device is incorrect.....

:) Keep the guesses coming....

Lisa said...

Aha, it's definitely a car jack for your auto, known now and forever as "Samuel L. Jack."

terriH said...

a portapottie :)

terriH said...

espresso machine

terriH said...

is it some form of entertainment? decoration? life?

Ashlee Liddell said...

Lisa, no...not a car jack.

Terri! Welcome to the guessing! As lovely as your guesses were, they were all incorrect.

It is not a form of life, but it is giving me great entertainment and I am using it for some personal decoration.... :)

terriH said...

yer killing me, sister.

um...how about:

digital frame
digital clock
table saw
room divider

Ashlee Liddell said...


"this item does its job on top"

terriH said...

ceiling fan?

lisa,where are you? i'm dying here...

Lisa said...

A top hat and cane! A folding ladder!

Lisa said...

A car rack thingy! Samuel L. Rack!

terriH said...

tv trays!
folding table

Lisa said...

A tarp! A poncho!

Lisa said...

Smashlee, you're required to attend your own guessing sessions...

Joe said...

a paper weight?

Joe said...

a card table?

terriH said...

some sort of board game?!
filing cabinet!

HeidiZizz said...

i want to play!!

a laser light level


a shop vac

Joe said...

a room divider?

HeidiZizz said...

a line striping machine...for soccer season

Joe said...

a shelf?

terriH said...

um, joseph, i already guessed room divider so if that's the answer, i win.

hi heidi!!!!!!!

HeidiZizz said...

a mickey mouse paint swatch (that's Jaret's favorite thing to get at Home Depot)

HeidiZizz said...

hi friend! where's miss A?

terriH said...

she done left the building. i gots to go to...have an appointment. i'll check in later...

until then, my friends...happy guessing!!

Joe said...

ok fine...didn't see it

HeidiZizz said...

a shoe rack
a door mat
a snow blower!

Joe said...

a dustbuster?

Laura said...

A standing lamp?
One of those Ironwrought decor things?
A standing fan?
And I don't think its quite fair to the quessing world for you to leave and not tend to your guessers.. Just saying : )

Lisa said...

I agree Laura. I'm on strike.

Ashlee Liddell said...

None of the answers are correct, although one of Lisa's guesses is in the right genre....

Sorry, I had important things to do today! I am back.... another hint will come before FIVE...central time zone.

Lisa said...


Is the tarp the one in the right genre?
The car rack?

Is it a portable covered area thing....an event tent of sorts?

Ashlee Liddell said...

nope... none of those things are in the right genre...

Keep trying!

Lisa said...

The top hat and cane is in the right genre probably....

You got a hardhat for exploring the new building!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Somehow, in re-reading the barrage of comments left while I was away from the computer, I realized that someone has in fact guessed the CORRECT item.

I will announce the winner, along with a picture of said item.... sometime tonight or tomorrow morning...

Thanks for playing!!!! Stay tuned for the winner announcement!