Sunday, December 09, 2007

My friend, Lisa...

This weekend was full of fun, as we celebrated Christmas with my Bible study group. Years ago a tradition was born of spending a day (or part of a day) making Christmas goodies, and Saturday was the day we fulfilled the tradition this year.

We started early on Saturday morning, and because our early beginning we decided to bring breakfast and eat together. We had all taken different ingredients to bring, and Lisa was originally "assigned" breakfast.

But after a fun trip to Whole Foods on Friday, I could not pass up some yummy lemon scones and huge pumpkin muffins. So I sent the following email to Lisa to let her know I had already picked up breakfast and she didn't need to worry about it....

"Lisa, not to take away your thunder, but I found some really scrumptious looking muffins and scones at whole foods today so I went ahead and bought them for tomorrow. If you want to get something else no problem, just wanted you to know.....happy christmas! ashlee"
To which she replied....
I'd like to report some stolen thunder; suspect last seen travelling west from the crime scene, identified as "Whole Foods" traveling with an accomplice, Samuel L. Suspect is known to be in possession of two cell phones, one or both of which she may be conversing on while in route. All units be on alert.

Just kidding...
Thanks for picking those up! I'm excited too!!

My car has been named, Samuel L. Honda, and sadly it is true that I have two cell phones (one personal, one for church).
I love my friends!!!
Our Christmas goodies included, two batches of fudge (don't ask why!), peanut butter balls, Christmas party mix, and Christmas tree pretzels.... what fun! We ran out of time to frost cookies, but we might have tried to do more than was feasible with five small children and lunch to prepare as well.....
I love that in the midst of a time of year that is often times chaotic for people, we were able to carve out such a nice chunk of time to spend together. My life has been so blessed by each of these friendships....