Sunday, January 20, 2008

a familiar tune...

My kindergarten class has 12 girls and 2 boys.

I don't even know if words can explain what implications that has on the chemistry and dynamics of our classroom.

Last week I was teaching the story of Daniel and the lion's den. Somehow in my discussion of how much Daniel loved God (why he continued praying to Him even though the law forbid it, and he could die if found out) and how God loved Daniel, the train de-railed.

One little girl raised her hand and said, "I know that song."

What?!?!? I have no clue what she is talking about and am not quite sure if I am going to risk what might come out of her mouth to let her share her song...

Confidently she repeats, " I know that song, Ms. Liddell."

"What song are you talking about Bryanna?"

"The song you were just talking about, in our story."

"Okay, (with great fear and uncertainty I replied) would you like to sing it for us?"

Without hesitation she belts out,

"Jesus loves me YES I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Jesus loves me YES I know, for the Bible tells me so."

For the life of me, I don't know how she connected this song to our story.

But this is one of those moments that makes me wonder how I would ever be able to walk away from my teaching job.

To see such faith, such pure, honest, unshakable faith in the lives of children is absolutely the most humbly and exhilarating feeling ever.

You see, I think her "version" of Jesus loves me is so very powerful.

Jesus loves me, this I know; seems more like a simple a statement of truth.

Jesus loves me, YES I know; seems more like a statement of faith, of ownership, and of truth.

"Jesus loves me" has been a hard truth for me to believe at different points in my journey with the Lord. But seeing a five year old sing this truth with not a single waiver of uncertainty in her voice, will strengthen your own faith immeasurably.

He loves you. He loves you even though you can list all the reasons why you are unlovable.

He loves you, even when you deny Him.

He loves you, even when the words out of your mouth, or the thoughts in your head, are unlovely.

He loves you.

He really, really does.