Friday, January 18, 2008

Returning to the scene of the crime...

Our first staff meeting of the new year was at a Starbucks.

Greg hates coffee. Joey drinks Dr. Pepper, and walked in with his Chic-fil-a filled to the brim! And I enjoyed a non-fat toffee nut latte.

Pretty much the meeting went down hill after that.

I do believe that I would be the only staff member who would have viewed it this way, but the meeting really took an emotional toll on me.

I do feel as though God used that meeting to confirm some things He was pointing out to me about my own journey with Him, but it didn't feel good at the time.

So, what makes this blog worthy two weeks later?

Today, at 9:30, we are returning to the scene of the crime.

Sure, we have had a staff meeting since then, but it is odd that we meet in the morning, and certainly odd we meet at Starbucks.

But I also wanted to take a minute to share what I truly love about these guys.

Joey is very laid-back. He doesn't take himself too seriously (which some youth ministers have been known to do). He doesn't wear his knowledge of present culture like a youth magnet. He is comfortable being who he is. He has wonderful creative ideas. He never lets me sit in the back of a car if the three of us are going somewhere. He doesn't want me to take trash to the dumpster or open too many doors on my own.

Greg is a visionary leader. He is rarely operating in the same year as the rest of us! He believes in the value of my ministry, and puts our budget behind it. Greg encourages me to dream, to take risks, and to have fun in this crazy thing called ministry. He loves challenges, and has faith in a God who is bigger than our minds can comprehend. But he is also simple. He truly values people (and not just those he can use to accomplish his goals and plans). He believes this thing called "church" really is the hope of the world, and with every thing we do salvation is hanging in the balance. He cares so deeply for those who have been wounded by/in the church. He has invested so much in me, and truly looks for ways to celebrate and encourage my leadership and ministry every step of this crazy church planting journey we are on....

I am blessed.

Beyond measure.

How about you? Who do you work with? What kind of boss do you have?


HeidiZizz said...

well, i have just re-entered the ministry scene and am working for a cajun! our preacher is relatively new to our church and came to us from Louisiana. i'm still figuring him out, but i know one thing for sure...he is doing something right. there are many people on church on sunday mornings that i would have never guessed would have stepped foot in our church several years ago. he has vision and good ideas...he's kind of a wild guy sometimes....but that's what you get when you hire a cajun ozark grad for your senior minister!