Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tamale Land in pictures...

2 days.
3 children.
1 kitchen.
Countless loads of dishes.
2 underage "helpers".
1 very patient, loving mother.
And 18 DOZEN tamales later...

We finished.
Yes, I am soooo Mexican.


HeidiZizz said...

wanna come to spanish family camp? you can be the cook! it's over labor day...just let me know...or call that director Joe Z....not like he ever answers his phone, though

Ashlee Liddell said...

I don't think you want me to be the cook (although the tamales are AMAZING) it did take two of us two days to make 18 dozen tamales....I think that might not even be enough for one meal..... yikes! Plus I charge $25 a dozen for those who want to purchase said tamales.....

no, I still haven't sold any.... :)

but thanks for the offer! Maybe I will bring some for you to taste when I come this summer....

HeidiZizz said...

YES!! when my uncle lived in new mexico, he made tamales one time for us and they were incredible! i'd love to a taste test on yours. and shoot....i've got a check ready...when can those be delivered?