Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Addiction and one very special arrival...

On our quest for the 400th post, I posted a small quiz about how well you readers may or may not know me. Come to think of it I never posted all of the correct answers......hmmm.

Anywho, I asked what beverage would I consume if forced to choose only one beverage for the remainder of my days here on earth and several of you guessed correctly, Diet Coke.

I am an addict. In case I ever wondered whether my addiction was real or not, Alaina solved that for me when she learned to read a Diet Coke label and said, "that's what Ashlee drinks!"

There are worse things to be addicted to, and I have no problem admitting this addiction.

I also have never thought its consumption was harmful enough to make any effort at ending this addiction.

Until last week.

(Side note; as ridiculous as this sounds, I am actually having an emotional reaction to giving up my beloved diet coke, so those who see me in person be sensitive. Thanks.)

Without telling you guys things you really don't want to know, I am pretty sure my body starting rejecting diet coke.

I have not had diet coke since Thursday morning (with the exception of just one test Sunday night) and I am not happy about it.

That is all. Just trying to keep it real and honest like the Batchelor!

And, on a actual topic of importance, Claire Liddell arrived this morning! We now have a great grandchild to hold, hug, and kiss in the family. Precious little darling and mom are doing fine.... Welcome Claire!


Rebecca said...

I'm a fellow addict as well. Come to think of it I may only drink something OTHER than diet coke when the ice melts in my Route 44 Diet Coke and I accidentaly drink that.

I've tried quitting before, and did for about three months - but I just can't stand water - or any of the other junk people put in it. I need my throat to burn!!

And by the way - CUTE baby!!!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

well, becca i hear you loud and clear about the volume of diet coke, the burn, the taste, the flavor, the.....oh i have to stop.

I will pray that you, unlike me, do not start to reject the heavenly diet coke....drink one for me, will ya?

terriH said...

i feel your pain as well, ashlee. about 2 months ago, i decided to drastically reduce my caffeine intake (due to the fact that i'd had some killer migraines...ER bad migraines) and thought that maybe less caffeine would help. i didn't give diet coke up completely but now instead of 2-3 a day, i drink like 1-2 a week. and i've gone to decaf coffee.

i haven't had a migraine since january so i keep telling myself it's working...we'll see.

i admit though there are so many times that a nice cold diet coke over ice sounds soooo dang good!

what we don't do for our bodies!!

terriH said...

oh and the baby...way precious. who does it belong to??? i must say that when i first saw the name "claire liddell" my first reaction was "did mike have a baby????". then i read further and figured out it wasn't him. :)

Cindyisms said...

Aww, I'm sorry to hear your tummy's no longer friendly with your favorite drink! Is it the caffeine or carbonation or something else that's bothering you the most? In my attempts to drink more water, I tried funky-shaped ice cubes, adding those on-the-go powders of lemonade and Lipton iced tea, even a curly straw. What cinched the deal, though, was a very pretty wine glass I reserved just for water. Somehow, that did make a difference...my addiction still is diet cream soda, btw. Keep hanging in there, chica!

Ooh, and Baby and Mama are beautiful!

Laura said...

Does this mean you have to give up CDL?? I mean I know it is one vice for another vice.. but it might make the give up easier.. i don't think it can be easier.. b/c i love dt dp. ALOT. but not as much as I love coffee.so it would be like me giving up coffeeee..oh. um..sorry... ; )

Baby baby.. mmmm i love me some newborn babies! !

Ashlee Liddell said...

thanks for everyone's kind condolences on the diet coke...as far as I can tell the caffeine was not what was making me sick, perhaps the carbonation or some other crazy chemical from the diet coke was what messed me up.

if it is caffeine, i could be in serious trouble.

dancing queen said...

Hi! My name is Susan and I'm an addict.

I do think coke, dr. pepper, your drink of choic....it is addiction. On January 1, 2007 I had my last sip of said drinks(anything with sugar, caffeine and carbonated). I couldn't even think about drinking diet, they are yucky to me. I did it because every day I was waking up like a had a hangover - and I hadn't drank any alcohol, just sodas. Problem was, I was drinking 2-4 each day. During the year I lost about 20 pounds - just from doing that, not really much of anything else. The crazy thing is, the more I drank water, the more my body craved it. I was very excited to make it through one whole year with only the occasional sprite or lemonade. Now, there were a few times when I thought, "oh my! I really need a drink!" it was totally an emotional reaction to whatever situation was stressing me at that time. that's when I realized it was an addiction. My mind was telling my body that I 'needed it' and couldn't go on. Crazy stuff!

But, a funny thing happened a few weeks again. I was very sick with sinus infection, ear infection, sore throat, cold - whatever it was made me crazy. I was drinking like a billion glasses of water and hot tea - in hopes of feeling better. Not really in the mood to eat, but wanting something tasty - I decided I would break my abstention of the cold, frothy drink that tingles. And now, I've drank several without even thinking about. I've fallen off the wagon...or is it I'm now on the wagon. Whatever, addiction isn't just for young celebraties anymore.

dancing queen said...

I forgot to say...in response to Laura's question about CDL.....they do sell it decaf, skinny (sugar free syrup, low fat milk, no whip cream) and you can choose decaf. I know it is not as nearly yummy as the real deal. But, it does a body good(er) and it works to fulfill the need to "hold a warm drink in a neat cup" fetish that some have.

noyb said...

you blog! i blog too! it's the greatest. anyway, omg, did mike have a baby??

Ashlee Liddell said...

no, mike did not have a baby...it is my cousin's daughter.

so, is your blog hidden??? why can't I find you????