Monday, April 07, 2008

Just when I thought it wasn't possible...

I manage to find time to post three times in one day?!?!?

But, I am sitting here working on planning for our upcoming seasons of Upward sports and something I never thought possible happened on TV.

The Batchelor sent some hot girl home because she was uncapable of having a "timeless conversation" with him.

Translation= "While I enjoy making out with you, and lusting after you, I know five years into this thing I am hoping you can talk to me about something bigger than yourself."

I am absolutely shocked.

Could he actually, seriously, be looking for a serious relationship???

Is anyone out there watching this season? I am too late to get into it??


terriH said...

i've see little bits and pieces of the show but nothing major. amazing that he was that honest about why he sent her home. what do you think about him?

Laura said...

I have not watched at all.. but I hate to admit this.. i have been watching 'rock to love'.. haa it is funny funny.. a bunch of ex-strippers and God's knows what trying to get Bret Michaels.. Oh what a catch!

Tami said...

Umm, Guess I am the only Loyal Batchelor watcher, but is that really something to brag about??!Yes, I LOVE this season- He takes it pretty seriously... There are a couple girls that are still just infatuations, hopefully he will see through them soon, but you have missed a good season so far my friend! Yes, I was shocked last night too, I did not like his decision, he should've sent both home!

Ashlee Liddell said...

I really haven't seen much either, but that totally cost my attention last night.

He absolutely looked her straight in the eye and told her he had a great physical attraction to her, but he was worried about being able to have a timeless conversation with her.... if only we were all that honest with each other.

dancing queen said...

Oh girl - you've been missing it. I haven't always enjoyed watching the Bachelor because of all the crazy girls - but it does come on right after "Dancing with the Stars" what's a girl to do?

I was completely shocked by who he sent home - not because she was his first one-on-one date and not because she was the first one he kissed on the show (which I think he has kissed almost every girl so far) - but because she seemed like a really nice girl (or at least that's how they edited her to be) and he really did seem to like her. And the fact that he seemed very genuine with his comments about her - that was surprising.

I think you could keep watching, because some of the mayhem has passed. But, you know - Trista & Ryan had a baby, so "good things can come from reality TV" (okay that's a quote from 2 Real Worlders that are now married and have kids) something like 14 years after their show aired.

And when I'm watching I always think..what would I do/say/be like if I were on the show. Then REALITY hits and I realize I would NEVER be on a show like that.

Watch it girlfriend! Just watch it.

Ashlee Liddell said...

That is it....just for tami and susan, I am going to finish this season out!!!!