Monday, April 07, 2008

Thank you Go Stats weekly...

So, long ago I heard others talking about "how many people read their blog" and asked my favorite cyber stalker how you could know that kind of information.

And thus, I was introduced to Go Stats.

Ever since they send me these weekly emails with the stats about this here blog-o, but the problem is I have NEVER really understood what the numbers mean.

So, I have these numbers to present to you faithful readers.

They are your numbers. They are record high (which I think is good?!?) and they are all because of YOU!

Last week:
Hits: 681
Hosts: 104
Visitors: 136
Sessions: 423


Laura said...


Hits.. how many times someone hits your site...
Host.. I am not sure.. maybe frequent people .. like me.
Vistors... people that have never been before
Last one.. who knows

Does 'go stats' have a help desk to ask such questions?

Laura said...

Have you clicked on the "Last Guest" one.. that is interesting.. It tells you what country.. what they are using like 'comcast' and what site they popped from.. like I pop here from clicking your link on my blog and it says that.!! WOOHOO! Crazy.