Thursday, April 10, 2008


My routine has been thrown off all week long.

I think it makes me more emotional.

Or is that the diet coke depravation???


I thrive with a constant, unchanging schedule. If God is going to challenge me to take more risks and change areas of my life, then I need a constant schedule to give some security in these challenges.

All the things changed this week;

coffee time on sunday was moved up
teaching schedule different all week
staff meeting moved to a different day
two meetings moved to different days and times than I orginally had in my planner when the week began
Will be at school Friday morning, not working from home on church items
Meeting during SURVIVOR....

I know this is quite normal for some people, but during this week I have also been trying to juggle some big changes in two interpersonal relationships, transition my thinking from part time to full time at church, and long term plan for the next 12 to 18 month period at church....

too much....

too much....

too much....

How about you? Do you thrive with a constant routine, or do you thrive in constantly changing environments?


Lisa said...

I'm SO with you. I get extra tired when change is involved. The same exact activity takes more out of me if it takes place at a revised time.

So sad to hear that there's a meeting during survivor! Wooooo for DVR or Tivo or whatever you kids use nowadays. (I'm afraid of techy and digital things still)

Amber said...

I like to think that I'm a routine person, and I even plan like I'm a routine person. (After all, how do you make a to do list if you don't have any sort of method for crossing things off of it?!?) I think, however, the reality is that the most routine thing in my day is telling the children that they got up too early. Is it really possible to be (fairly) organized and yet not at all routine all at the same time? I do get a little stressed when a week is abnormal, but I think it's more because of the things that don't get done when their allotted floating time slot is used up by something else.

Joe said...

i get bored with routine...while there is a sense of tends to become mundane very fast...i definitely thrive under the pressure that comes with achieving in the midst of chaotic change...but i do struggle with prioritization...

Rebecca said...

I'm a mixture between both extremes. I like to know what's expected of me during the week - but I get bored really really easy!! So a change everyonce in awhile is great. However the hitch comes when that change interferes with an event that I already had my heart set on - like for you - your time watching survivor.

By the way - when I went off DC for the three months there were major migrane headaches, I was very very unpleasant to be around, and would cry about everything for about the first three weeks. So coming from my experience you are right on track. :)

Oh - and don't forget my contest every monday trying to guess what the picture is!!!

terriH said...

not a big fan of change. like routine. and sometimes when things don't go the way i think they should i get stressed and frustrated. and then i get more frustrated with myself because i think i should be more flexible and not so uptight. sheesh.

we have kyle's girls every other weekend and therefore any routine up to that point definitely gets changed. don't get me wrong, i absolutely LOVE and adore the girls but for me, those weekends can be stressful...not because of them...but because chaos ensues and the "routine" is broken. i'm definitely more used to it now and honestly i can't imagine my life any differently.

i guess what i'm saying is that, yes, upsetting routine can be frustrating and annoying, however, it is also a HUGE blessing because it makes me stop and "relax" (kinda) and let things just BE.

i love those kiddos. they really are pretty dang precious.

Anonymous said...

Routine is key at our house and if it gets screwed up everyone suffers, so I know just how you feel! We have a lot of changes in our near future so that should be fun for everyone! Glad to see you have made it through!

Laura said...

My kids do great with routines.. w/o.. they are crazy.
But I don't care either way.

dancing queen said...

I want to think that I am a spontoneous adventuresome person. However, I love routines and get out of sorts when they are broken. That is the issue I've faced since last January - school in the middle of the week is killing me. I'm out of the office, in the office, out of the office, in the office. I don't feel like I'm completely focusing or finishing one project.

I too like to know what my week will be like (probably so I can plan my cooking and TV time). And I get very frustrated when someone else imposes their schedule on mine. Don't get me wrong, I want to be sensitive to people and give the time and attention needed - because life's interruptions are God's invitation. But, when someone else plans something and I'm supposed to be there or finish a project in like 1 day - drives me crazy.

I really like my alone time - it energizes me for all the people time. I notice I'm a much different person when I have too much scheduled in one week.

kd_rundle said...

I'm with ya on the routine thing...I've been feeling all out of whack because the ministry I'm working with up here has no "routine" to speak of, and I'm a routine driven person...having to learn to be more flexible and still productive - it's pretty odd