Friday, April 11, 2008

Meet, Cindy....reason # 78498756 why I love blogging!

So, I have been sitting here for five minutes trying to get a good picture of the FABULOUS surprise I received in the mail this week from Cindy.

Sadly, no success.

But, I must tell you all that it was perhaps the best surprise of my whole week.

Cindy, one of the winners of the race to 400 post, sent me the kindest letter and a "happy 400th" gift of some fabulous earrings (with a little longhorn flare!)!

Yes, you read that correctly. Cindy won the contest on my blog, and yet she was the one sending ME a gift!!!!!

It truly took me by surprise. Such an unexpected surprise, and a wonderful warm blessing.

Cindy signed her letter "peace, love, and kindness of strangers" which is exactly what she brought to me this week.

So, would you guys go visit her blog and leave her some blog love?

Just another reason why I LOVE this crazy world of blogging!

Cindy, I hope one day we will get the chance to meet! And thank you for sharing peace, love, and the kindness of strangers with me...


Cindyisms said...

Awwwwwww, thanks Ashlee! Once again, I'm amazed at your knack of blessing me with your kind words, chica! I'm so glad you liked the earrings AND am in concurrment - I'm looking forward to meeting you too, Lord willing : ) Meanwhile, God bless and best wishes!