Saturday, April 12, 2008

I can hardly wait...

I know, it's lame that I am working at 9 o'clock on a Saturday night. But, don't you worry I am going to bed soon (oh wait, that makes it even more lame...)...

I have discovered that Thursday and Friday for me are like Saturday and Sunday for most of the rest of the world. Or probably for most Americans...

Right, back on track. So, Saturdays and Sundays usually end up being full of work and work related things for me due to the nature of my job in the ministry. It is okay. And actually, I have grown more and more accustomed to it.....

So, it means that since I have work on the brain I realized I never told all of you (my favorite blogger friends) about the COOLEST t-shirt ever!!!

I have no pictures to show you, but I am SOOOOO excited about the amazing shirt design my kiddos are going to have this summer.

It is top secret.

For now.

You know I can't keep a secret of my own for that long....

Stay tuned.... I can hardly wait!!!!!


HeidiZizz said...

FYI: i don't think it can be top secret if i have heard about it. sorry to burst your bubble. maybe just top secret in tx

Ashlee Liddell said...

so, do i now owe you a consulting check? :)

HeidiZizz said...

nope...i'll do your work pro bono! :)

terriH said...

you two are so cute!! say, what's this about a cool t-shirt???

love you girls!

oh, and heidi...LOVE the pics of your boys...they are soooo cute! keep the pics coming.

i promise i will try to update my blog soon with some new pics...:)

HeidiZizz said...

i'd love an update on the 'ol blogorama....i check it often to see something new...although i suppose i'm the real slacker for not having one, so don't feel so bad.
glad you think the boys are cute....i do, too, but i'm biased i suppose

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