Friday, April 18, 2008

April 18, 2008


It is really April 18th? I still can't seem to make sense of March having come and gone, and now we are staring summer dead in the


It is as if the last five, year of my life have simply disappeared at a rate that is most alarming to me. I haven't really been out of college longer than I was in, have I?

Perhaps the lack of huge markers in the last five plus years have allowed the time to more semester markers, month long holidays, etc.

Perhaps the amount of stress over the past five years has increased the rate time has passed...

Perhaps I have been so caught up in doing, that I have not prioritized truly valuable things in my life well enough...

Or perhaps this is simply what happens as time passes...

I just found myself thinking it could not ACTUALLY be April 18, 2008 this morning.

Anyone else? Am I all alone on this one?


Lisa said...

I'm pretty shocked too. The year is one-third over, and I'm not even used to it being 2008 yet. Crazy-ness!

Ashlee Liddell said...

I feel like I should make a "lisa" list every year, so I can remember at least five monumental things that happen each year...

crazy-ness for sure!!!!

terriH said...

i'm with ya, sister! this year marks 16 years out of high school...16! and 12 out of college...12! craziness. AND i can't believe i've already been married for almost a year and a half. again, craziness!!!

soon, i'll be closer to the big 4-0. i remember when i started panicking about being the big 3-0.


Joe said...

thanks ashlee...i always need another reminder of how much older i am getting...that is doesn't feel like i've been out of college for 4 years...

Ashlee Liddell said...

That is what I am here for Joe. To remind you when you need it most of just how old 'we' are getting!


dancing queen said...

Okay Ashlee - I'm a little late in catching up on your blog...but Friday April 18 was an eye-opener for me. It was the day I got an 'invite' to meet up with people from high school. Yes, that's right - May 17, 1988 was the BIG day. So, now, this Friday - 20 years later...I will meet up for dinner with about 25 people who I knew for 4+ years some 20 years ago...most of whom I haven't talked to or seen in that time. All we keep saying is, "Has it really been 20 years?" This has caused me some great reflection to say, "what have I done in those 20 years?" and "how have I allowed God to work in me and through me in those 20 years?" I am just glad that I am not in HS right now. I am even more excited to hear what God is doing in their lives. Pray for me...there is some anxiousness involved but I just want to be sincere through it all. One day, you too will wake up and it will be 20 years later!