Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My friends, and their children...

God has blessed me with such amazing friends.

Really, such amazing friends.

One of the most surprising joys of my "adult" friendships has been the relationships I have been given with the children of my friends. To have the unique opportunity to pray for their arrival, celebrate the day we met the first time, to watch them learn to clap, wave, crawl, walk, talk, read, and all of the big adventures that are still ahead (we won't talk about those yet....) has been an overwhelming and unexpected joy in my life.

The love I have for these precious children is so amazing.

And today, I wanted you to know how thankful I am for my friendship with their parents, but also the role they have allowed me to play in their children's lives.

And you should go here, and read about Addison's extensive vocabulary. She is a genius I say, genius!


Tami said...

I am pretty sure that you just wanted everyone to know that Addison can say your name!!
If you not around Ashlee while she is around kids, she does a great job of teaching them her name! No bribing is ever involved!
Thanks Ash!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Tami totally outed me...
Yes, I bribe children with anything their parents tell them no to (esp. icecream) in efforts to help them learn my name.
Yes, I linked to Tami's page so you could see that I made Addison top 20 words...
Yes, I need help!!!!
Love ya Tami...

Amber said...

10...thumbs up or thumbs down?
