Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Some randomness for ya'll....

  • Looks like I am about six weeks away from leaving teaching at the school I have been working at for over five years...
  • My caffeine intake has dramatically dropped since my diet coke consumption has disappeared...and I think others are suffering because of this...
  • I have crazy friends.
  • I think I really missed Josh while he was in LA...good thing he sent me a threatening text message while he was gone :)
  • I am going to Kansas this summer for vacation! I can't wait to hold Kavin for the first time!!!
  • I am now hooked on this season of the Batchelor! He sent home the two girls I told him to send home, and now I happen to think he is the best batchelor yet!
  • Is one of the symptoms of rehab hightened emotions? Because I think I have cried almost every day I have been without diet coke....
  • I have a cute skirt that I need a fun top to wear with....why did I buy a skirt I had nothing to wear with it????
  • More thought out thoughts later...


Laura said...

Drop in caffeine can change many many things! Have you tried maybe eating some chocolate????!!!
Dark chocolate!?!?

Ashlee Liddell said...

how about drinking it?!?!?!? I am going right now to consume chocolate....lots of chocolate!

Lisa said...

Stopping Diet Coke can have lots of weird effects. I discovered a while ago when looking back in my journals-- on two separate occasions I wrote, something like "It's strange- I've been so irritable recently, and I constantly want to be busy, plus I've been feeling hot (whereas normally I'm cold all the time..). On the plus side I haven't had Diet Coke all week, so I'm doing good with that..."

Coffee, tea, and hot cocoa are also great ways to sneak caffeine. Plus they all go with chocolate.

Lisa said...

I used the word plus three times in my last comment. I knew there was something weird going on there. I need a Diet coke.

Jenny said...

Are you really leaving the school? You have been such a blessing to those sweet children (not to mention the other teachers). You will be sorely missed, but God has a way of changing our direction when it's in His time. Are you going to be working full time in children's ministry at your church?

Ashlee Liddell said...

Jenny, you are so kind! I know, there are times where I can not even imagine what my life will look like without the kids, teachers, and everything about the school.
But, I do know that God has changed my heart, and made His desire for my future very clear. I will be going full time at my church, as the children's pastor. An exciting new adventure, for sure!!!

Thanks again for your comment!

Jenny said...

That is so awesome! You will be such an incredible children's pastor! You have a way of connecting with the kids and sharing God's love in a fun and sincere way. I'm so happy for you!