Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Blogging OCD...

Okay, so here is the deal. Sometimes it really gets my mind racing to know that people may regularly read this little blog and never leave a comment. They are "invisible" to me, but yet know things about my life I may not tell people who are very "visible" in my day to day life.
But, if it really bothered me, I would stop blogging. I have come to terms with it, or at least I thought I had. Until I read this kind, thoughtful, and sincere comment on a blog I linked to this week...
"God bless and best wishes to you and your lovely Aubrey! Our family learned about you thru Ashlee and we want you to know we are sending much love your way. You will be kept in our prayers and thoughts -John & Tere"
I don't believe I know a John & Tere. And neither one of them have ever commented on my blog, but yet it would seem that they were directed to Aubrey's blog via my blog.
So, to satisfy my blogging OCD, will this kind hearted commentor please identify themselves on this blog?
***Note: I do realize that I am not the only one named Ashlee in the blogging world, and the chances are just as good these kind people could be referring to someone else with MY name (and spelling, and blogger savvy) but my blogging ego would not be satisfied without at least attempting to find John & Tere. Thank you, that is all for now. ***


Laura said...

NOW THAT IS FUNNY.. I would feel the same way!

Stealthies! UGH! Maybe they clicked from another blog and then on to another.. blog jumpers?

(did you check your stat thing to see if you can 'spot' them???)

Ashlee Liddell said...

I still don't know how to read my blog stat thingy..... and I don't really know if I could track that...

Glad I am not alone on this one though....


Cindyisms said...

Uh-oh (insert nervous fidgeting)...

Sorry, Ashlee! This blogging faux paux was my fault - I typed out the comment for my parents, who wanted to leave a message for the family after I asked them to join in praying for Aubrey. I wrote my own comment right after I signed in, but didn't wait to check if Blogger gobbled it up.


Ashlee Liddell said...

WHEW!!!! I feel SOOO much better, and it makes total sense that someone from your family would be so thoughtful!!!

Thanks for filling me in!!!!

Cindyisms said...

Aww, thanks for understanding chica. I'm still blushing about it though...

I totally hear you on the Blogging Bug - I keep checking back to see if you've posted on last nite's episode of The Bachelor : )

Ashlee Liddell said...

coming soon Cindy.... I didn't want to seem too blog crazed for one day.... :)