Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Counting days...

Well, in a diet coke recovering addict update, I am no longer counting days I have been without diet coke.

Now I am only counting continuous days I have not cried about something trivial....we are up to 3 days people!!!

Now, let me clarify...there have been some tears about baby Aubrey, but those would have come with or without diet coke......

Thanks to everyone who let me wallow in my diet coke depression....today I actually turned one down! That is right, someone handed me an ice-cold can of the fabulous beverage and I didn't even ask to hold it, sniff it, or just have a sip!

Woo hoo!!!


terriH said...

atta girl! hang in there! and if it makes you feel better, i cry all the time, too...kyle LOVES it (note the sarcasm).

terriH said...

actually, he handles it rather well. i, on the other hand, get really tired of crying. sometimes, being a chick is just too annoying...ya know? am i crazy here???

Ashlee Liddell said...

amen! at least when it comes to the emotional aspects....

so glad your man is/was worth the wait!

HeidiZizz said...

my heart is about to explode with pride...i'll be sure to have nice ice cold water when you come to KS...maybe some lemonade or something, too!

Ashlee Liddell said...

thanks HZ... I know you and terri understand just how much diet coke i could consume.