Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

Okay, I will readily admit to not being the most eco-friendly person.

But, I honestly do try to do some small things just because they make good sense.

Today, in honor of Earth Day (well, actually because Amber told me they were on sale while I was actually AT the store...and that way I saved gas too by not making a separate trip to purchase them.... :) dang, I am green!) I bought two re-usable grocery bags.

Have you gone green?

Who is representing with the re-usable grocery sacks? Anyone else???


Cindyisms said...

Yay, Earth Day! Way to go on your new green purchases, grrl!

When I can remember to pack 'em back in the car, I use the reusable Barnes & Nobles and Half Price Books bags I started getting five years ago. And they're not kidding, these things are really durable! Lately, however, I make the cashiers snicker when I stop them from bagging my items, insisting I can fit it in my purse or carry it by hand.

Mhmm, maybe it's that I finish it up with a "Go Green" that elicits the humor!

HeidiZizz said...

i actually just purchased three reusable bags at hellmart (i mean, walmart) about a month ago and have been using them faithfully and rather enjoying them. they fit much more than the regular plastic bag and are much easier to carry when wrangling a 2 year old in addition to a 20 pound kid in an 8 pound carseat! :)

i do have to say...the people at our little local grocery store do look at me a little weird when i hand them over, but that's ok by me!

and i'm not the most earth friendly person, either, for the record--i love my REVEAL lightbulbs, not those stinking coil ones...yuck!

Ashlee Liddell said...

I was so surprised by the length of the straps on the bags I bought today... amazing. And I agree, at first I thought there was no way all my food would fit in two bags, but the checker just laughed at me...he said, "well, I can get way more than this in two of these bags..."

still laughing at hellmart! that is my hojo!

Rebecca said...

Hey you did Project Green and didn't even know it!

Ashlee Liddell said...

yeah, yeah....whatever all this project green stuff is....


terriH said...

oh, i am totally about the reusable bags. i bought like 10 of them at dillons a couple of months ago. (yes, i'm one of those who goes MASSIVE grocery shopping like once a month and yes, i use ALL 10 of the bags).

i LOVE the bags...here's why:
1. hold TONS more than those annoying plastic ones
2. are MUCH easier to carry
3. stack very nicely in the vehicle...unlike the plastic which end up spilling everything
4. are a lovely shade of RED with the neat-o dillons logo on it
5. make great bags to take random things into work, church, zoo, etc.

yes, terri LOVES the bags. i bragged so much about them my mom went and bought some for herself. i felt proud.

it's the little things in terri's world that make her happy.

oh, and my office is totally going all green now. we have recycle bins all over the place. now i feel guilty if i throw stuff away that could be recycled...so i do my best...

heidi...totally cracked up at the hellmart comment. SOOO TRUE! in fact, i think of you often when i shop at dillons...back in the day when we were "dillons" and "flower" snobs. i can't shop at wal mart anymore for groceries. it makes me crazy. truth be known, i believe i'll always be a "dillons snob".

and the flowers/garden food stuff...definitely am still that kind of snob as well. are you planting things this year???

sorry for the total change of topic...from "green" to "snob" to "gardening". actually, the gardening kinda of is "green" stuff.

wow, i have some serious rambling issues this morning. i gotta quit.

carahinojosa said...

My 'going green' has been a process. The first thing we did was to start recycling. Then I started buying organic milk. It has now blossomed into using re-usable bags, going mostly organic/all natural/local(about 90-95% of our groceries consist of these groups), and I make my own laundry detergent and household cleaners. I think doing it in stages is a lot easier than doing it all at once. I get so happy and excited knowing that I am doing something good for my family and for the earth that our Heavenly Father has entrusted to us! I feel it is time for more believers to step up and take responsibility for our planet.

dancing queen said...

Does reusing the plastic grocery store bags count for anything? They make great - in no particular order 1) pooper picker uppers when you are pet sitting a dog for a friend or cleaning the cat litter box for your sister 2) as lunch bags 3) carrying bag for all the other plastic bags that you are taking back to walmart to put in their reyclying bin )trash bag for your car 5)taking things for the donation truck that you have when you do 'spring cleaning' 6) holding the "leftovers that you've left in the frig too long and have developed some superhybrid mold and you must get it out or all die of yucky smalls, but it is not trash day, so you put it in the bag and put it in the freezer .... but then you forget it on trash day and like a month later you go looking for ice cream and you run across the moldy leftovers that are now a frozen mass of yucky".

Ashlee Liddell said...

wow, check out all my eco saavy friends...

terri, LOVE the morning rambling comment! You had me in stiches!

susan, i think all of your uses certainly sound green to me....

cara, how well does your own detergent work? that sounds amazing. I think stages are key too!

HeidiZizz said...

you're cracking me up...i hate hellmart, but it is a necessary evil in my life. however, i rather enjoy being able to shop at our local grocery store these days....where people know who i am and even carry out the groceries for me....without feeling like i'm getting hit on! :)
i'm in the process of deciding what to plant out here in the green acres....it'll have to be tough stuff, as we have lots of deer and bunnies out here that would love to munch on some yummy flowers!