Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A little blog crazy lately...

I have three "big" things I want to blog about...

1) The Bachelor this week. I really thought he was going to send Chelsea home (is that her name....the one who always calls him "buddy") but I am glad he kept her.

I still have HUGE reservations about Shayne (her age, her motivation being genuine, her previous relationships....could she really be mature enough to get hitched?) but he seems totally in to her.... I certainly hope that she isn't the one he proposes too....

I also would love to take this opportunity to say that the "prank" was quite genius. Shockingly absurd, and went about ten minutes too long, but she obviously has been listening to him and understands his sense of humor. Note to all; I love it when people pull great pranks on others, but HATE people pulling pranks on me.

2) Check out Aubrey's blog and be reminded just how big our God truly is...

3) This El Dorado compound stuff is making me absolutely sick to my stomach. I just can't even comprehend how the heart of God must be tormented by this kind of evil distortion of Truth.


kd_rundle said...

I'm not usually a big Bachelor watcher, but I caught the first couple of episodes and then just saw this last one. I cannot believe that Shayne is still there! She's cute, but I really doubt her sincerity and she seems to be a heck of a drama queen at times.

Laura said...

The el dorado thing is crazy. And sick and wrong on so many levels.. but i have heard some unsettling stories that they still can't find the girl that called them and now the police are being questioned on why they went in that they have broken civil rights and all that junk. And now with them trying to chart 'family' trees.. sad! Those kids don't know what is up. So sad.