Thursday, April 24, 2008

My red envelope of joy...

I love Netflix.

I really, really do.

I don't watch that many movies, but I still love Netflix.

My brother, who is way cooler than most, introduced me to Netflix back when it first hit the market. No one (okay maybe it was just me) thought it was really going to take off. Mail in your DVDs? Wait for another one? Make a list of all the movies you want to see? Don't get to see the movie cover?

And then, when I went to visit him and he had put a movie in his queue for me, I was all the sudden more interested in this Netflix thing.

So, why the blog love for Netflix you might ask? Well, this week I had a huge accomplishment in the world of red envelopes. I got a movie the day it was released to the public for purchase!

This may not seem like a big deal to some, but it takes a carefully crafted plan to accomplish receiving a DVD the first day it is available (and it also takes awareness of when movies are being released which is not usually something I pay attention to...thus the reason for my success rate...)

All of this to say, I love Netflix.

For those who do not have little red envelopes of joy appearing in their mailbox, you should really consider Netflix. It may be your new favorite thing...


Unknown said...

I completely agree with you, I Love Netflix. I get hooked on seasons of shows, right now 24. I always seem to push my movies down to the bottom of the list so I can watch all the seasons of one show!

Ashlee Liddell said...

I have been on those kicks too. I don't know if I could watch too much of 24 all together, that show is so intense!

Rebecca said...

So what was this great movie that you got to see on the the day it was out.

Ashlee Liddell said...

Well, I haven't watched it yet, which is the beauty of Netflix! But the movie I have is "charlie wilson's war" which I have no idea whether it is good or not, but I can now watch it whenever I want!

Have you seen it?

dancing queen said...

I too love NETFLIX...because whenever you get's like a little party (and you didn't even have to get out of your car). Plus, you can keep them for a little bit and do all those things "you're supposed to do" and let them be a little treat. I can't wait until the summer so I can watch me some seasons of TV shows. It is way better than waiting to watch them each week. Anybody got suggestions for good TV series?

Ashlee Liddell said...

did you ever get caught up on brothers and sisters?

you know me, survivor faithful, this season has been amazing...really amazing.

that is all i have for you....sorry, I am lame when it comes to tv

HeidiZizz said...

we love netflix, too!

a little note about survivor...those girls are vicious! not nice....the way they're playing....