Monday, April 28, 2008

Over the years

I don't think I can blame the tears tonight on lack of diet coke.

In fact, I know exactly where these tears came from. And probably will continue to come from in small waves through the transition that lies ahead of me.

Since 2003, I have been teaching at the same school. There is a whole class of fifth graders at the school who only had me as a Bible teacher. There is a whole class of kindergarteners who I will never get to teach first grade curriculum to, or the books of the Old Testament song.

The tears tonight were mostly for the friendships that have been forged through years in ministry with the same people. Each year brought some changes, but there is a bond created through ministry that is like no other.

They are not the people in my life who know me the best, but yet they know my heart, strength, and weakness without me ever "sharing" that information with them.

They have walked with me through dark valleys, new challenges, changes, big decisions, and deep unexpected loses.

They have lived life with me, and I with them.

Sometimes these relationships have frustrated me to no end.

Sometimes they have been the greatest source of blessing and strength for me.

But through it all, we have lived, served, and grown together.

I have drawn an incredible amount of encouragement and support from a handful of these relationships, and I already know that will leave a large void in my life.

Tonight I am thankful for all God has taught me through these women, and pray blessing upon them, their families, and the ministry God has called them to be a part of through our school.

It is times like tonight that make this change so difficult.


Rebecca said...

Ashlee -I know that they have been a blessing to you - but you have been such a blessing to them as well. Speaking as someone who was there for only one short year.

Those children know the love of their Savior because of you, they can sing the books of the Old Testament b/c of you, and most of them have more scripture memorized because of your teaching and leading.

You will be missed there, I know, but you are such a blessing to Creekside, and there's a whole other bunch of kiddos and families who are benifiting from you being there full time!

Thank you for being yet another person in my life to demonstrate obedience no matter how difficult it may feel!

Laura said...

I am sorry. I know how much you love what you do. I have some kids that were so blessed by you and your dedication! one, especially, that still tells stories about his time with Miss Liddell and the way she made learning about Jesus fun. And I know that God will use this time for some great growth and you are so much stronger for it. And so loved by so many because of your love for Our Savior and your love for Our Children.
Grace and Peace be with you always!
Love you Friend!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Thanks so much Becca and Laura. You are both blessings in my life...

Jenny said...

Hi Ashlee,
I know exactly how you feel. It was so hard for me to leave the school. There is just something about that group of women that feels like "home". Even though God wants you to do something different now, every time you go back to visit the school, you will feel like you never left. Even after all these years I still feel welcome and that I belong. So even though your role is changing your relationship with the teachers won't. They are definitely friends forever.

BTW...I'm kind of freaking out because Chelsea and Shelley are graduating this year! The last time I looked they were in my 2nd grade class! I turned around and they grew up! THAT makes me want to cry. :)