Monday, April 28, 2008

Reason # 32

Sometimes I wonder if there might be some specific reasons why I am single.

I am not saying that I might not ever be married, or even that I don't want to be married, it is just sometimes I can see reasons why I might be single for the current time.

Reason #32, I don't function well without sleep.

Today, is the result of two nights with less than five hours of sleep, and I don't even want to be near me!

Praying for a restful night for everyone....including myself!


Laura said...

That is why you need a husband.. he can rub your back so you can fall asleep!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

oh, i hadn't thought of that....

Laura said...


HeidiZizz said...

it's the babies that cause the lack of sleep, not the hubbies....besides we used to run on nothing for sleep, remember? what happened to that? cause i'm a mean woman when i don't sleep...but we didn't used to be....ahhhh Kenoyer! :)

Jessica said...

i still needed a good night's sleep at cranky there too. I agree with Heidi though...the husbands don't cause a lack of sleep. I will admit I'm not mature enough yet to sacrifice sleep for a little ball of cuteness. they are cute though. i think i'll just photograph them for now :)

Ashlee Liddell said...

I know...we used to do this all the time! Maybe it is because we used to catch up on the weekends, sleeping in late and all....who knows.

missing you roomie!

Ashlee Liddell said...


Oh sweet kenoyer hall memories! 202 forever!!!!

I never remember you being grouchy at all Jess....seriously. you hid it well!