Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"You don't look right."

There are lots of interesting nuances to being single.

One that is particularly applicable to me is the fact that I am not always familiar with the black and white way most men speak.

Today, at staff meeting, I was asked if I was okay.

When I answered that I was fine, he replied with this statement; "You don't look right."


Is it ridiculous that the statement made me want to cry???

I have so much to learn about these guys...


Lisa said...

Oh no...boys say the strangest things. We can verify at dinner if you indeed look right or not.

Ashlee Liddell said...

no way, i already came home and changed my outfit and hair...


terriH said...

sometime, boys are just not smart. it's like as they are thinking something, it's also coming out of their mouth without really thinking about what it is they are actually saying...know what I mean??

i love my hubby dearly but sometimes when he says something or makes a random comment, i just wanna go "what? do you remember that I AM A GIRL???"

boys. boys. boys.

Laura said...

UGH MEN. that is all i can say.

HeidiZizz said...

listen....the Zizz boys are not known for their tact. they have improved significantly since marrying the wonderful Zizz girls, but there are still moments of tactlessness. for instance, one time i had my hair cut and the first time jeff saw it he said "what did you do to your hair?!" yikes. my theory is that God forgot the filter from their brain to their mouth. or it is at least a faulty switch some of the time....

Tami said...

You will definitely get lots of comments regarding dumb boy moments- but yes, I can't speak for all men, but as you know, Josh doesn't always think before he speaks- the worst is when they ask if you are in a bad mood, and you weren't until they said that! Wow, just thinking about it is frustrating!