Thursday, May 01, 2008

"You don't look right." Part Two...

(Note to fellow bloggers: Posting while emotionally unstable is risky. You might actually be held accountable, and thus forced to stop living in denial. Consider yourself warned.)

Okay, so what I didn't say in my post yesterday was that something really was bothering me yesterday. And the fact that my boss could sense it, really made me frustrated with myself, and with the situation.

I was frustrated with myself because I was trying to be in total denial about my emotional state, and until this week it was working just fine for me. So, the fact that I was unable to hide my emotions frustrated me, because I knew I was going to be forced to be authentic and not on my own time table.... (just keeping it real people...)

The whole situation frustrated me, because if I am messed up enough to actually exert energy living in denial, then authentic people will always frustrate me.

So, while I still think there was another way to phrase the question I was asked yesterday; I consider myself blessed to be surrounded by people who want to help me be more authentic.