Thursday, May 01, 2008

It's been so long....

Okay, I admit it. I am totally missing the adrenaline racing fun of a contest....

So, here you have it... another contest!

Be the first to solve this riddle, and you will find yourself enjoying lunch with me! (okay, seriously, if Joe wins I will cook him a meal when I am up in Kansas this summer....but other out-of-towners might have to settle for a gift card!)

A phone call started this surprise rolling
you will have to guess, because I'm not telling

A dynamic duo it will take to complete
Guessing this riddle will be some feat

Food, fun, photos and dessert
Someone might even be wearing a skirt

A faithful blog reader will be included
Although the location is a little secluded

You have 24 hours to make your guesses.....
Let the commenting war begin!


terriH said...

oh goodness...i'm stressing out already...

i need some time to think...

actually, i'm a little confused as to what you're asking. guess that's why it's a riddle, huh??


terriH said...

are ya looking for the names of 2 people who called ya today????? am i close??????

terriH said...

someone set you up on a blind date!!???

terriH said...

somebody is getting your brother getting married????!!!!

terriH said...

or someone who reads your blog is getting married...

which could be your bro cuz i'm guessing he would be "a faithful blog reader"...

hmm...someone is getting married!!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

I will give one clue.

No one is getting married.

But keep the guesses coming have your riddle brain running strong!

terriH said...

someone's having a baby??!! lana?? heidi?? your brother???

i'm dyin' here!

carahinojosa said...

Are you going on another cruise???

Ashlee Liddell said...

Oh, I wish I was going on another cruise!

But nope.

And no one is having a baby, at least that I know of....

I have to give a clue or two,
The faithful reader just might be you...

That is right, I am pulling a surprise on one of YOU!!!

Unknown said...

You are coming to Kansas, it is secluded to me, to visit someone?

Cindyisms said...

I'm trying to think of all the dynamic duos I know of and who you prolly know of too...

God + (insert your name here)

Ashlee + (insert anyone's name here)

Sahara and Sphinx -or- Riley and Harley (but I doubt any of 'em would be wearing a skirt!)

Athletic people whose names I don't know but who do like to wear skirts and/or kilts

There's Jman and me (I'd be the one wearing the skirt!), cuz I think we're nifty together. But I'm thinking you mean someones else...mhmmm...Does it involve your Netflicks or The Batchelor?!?!

Lisa said...

I wondered if it involved Cindy's visit to H-town! But I'm wondering if Ashlee's comment that it involves "one of you" meant that it was either Terri or Cara who had commented... Hmmm.

Is it our Cinco parTAY?
Shall a wedding planned for next month be held at a chicken-guarded church we know?

Ashlee Liddell said...

andrea, I am not coming to Kansas, the secluded refers more to the number of people who will be witnesses to the surprise and where it will take place.

Cindy, I am in fact part of the dynmaic duo. While we might talk about Netflix and/or the Batchelor, they aren't actually part of the surprise!

Ashlee Liddell said...

No, not the cinco PARtay or Cindy's visit.

It does not involve Cara or Terri, unless of course they guess the right answer...

And, because I can't stop myself,

one who has not commented will be shocked
another reader is helping to make sure this surprise rocked

HeidiZizz said...

sheesh....we have thunderstorms and lightening one night (thus having to turn off the computer) and i totally almost miss a contest....i'm a little confused as to what is going on exactly, but i'm going to go re-read some stuff and see if i can get on the bandwagon.

HeidiZizz said...

ps...terri you crack me up sister

Ashlee Liddell said...

HZ...i wondered where your husband had been....this contest is a little harder, partly because I don't want the "faithful reader" who will BE surprised to figure it out before it happens.

wow, that was a really huge hint.

Rebecca said...

Could the location be needville - because I've lived there and it's VERY secluded!!!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Not Needville.

Although it is secluded.

The secluded refers mostly to the number of people who will be at the surprise, and surprise location.

Laura said...

Is it an anniversary party?

Laura said...

So what exactly do we have to guess.. the event/ the people and location???

Laura said...

A vow renewel with out one of the spouses knowledge???

Laura said...

Like at their favorite place or first meeting place or first date.

Ashlee Liddell said...

Laura, glad to have you join us...

I think if anyone can guess those three things they will have guessed most of the surprise.

As it looks right now, just guessing one of those things correctly will be truly an accomplishment!

Except, the people. I gave you have of the duo, and you know more info about that than anything else....

Laura said...

So we don't get a 'warm.' will tell us when we got it?

Ashlee Liddell said...

Laura, those are great guesses! I got all misty eyed thinking of a spouse planning a surprise like that....

but, NO.

Here's a little clue, its more fun than meaningful or sentimental...

Ashlee Liddell said...

I will definetely give you a "warm" its just that no one has been "warm" yet....

Cindyisms said...

Wowee Ashlee, not only do you have the knack for encouraging the highest comments counts I've ever seen, but you're also one good poet - didya know it?!?!

(I know, corny, corny, corny...)

Laura said...

Ok. SO someone called you to help with this surprise party. And it will take 2 to plan it right. It involves at least a girl. And a faithful blog reader. And there is close friends and family there.. or a few special people.

W/o the faithful blog reader I would say an end of school party with the 5th graders?...
A going away party for a mission trip?

Laura said...

Does it involve Susan?

Laura said...

Ok since it is Friday night...maybe your B.S. is having a special 'night' out planned.. or special evening planned?And you and Amber are planning it?

Lisa said...

I'm trying to keep track of all of these clues, but they don't work. I think Heidi will be surprised by something planned by Ashlee and Joe in Kansas!! Despite the fact that Ashlee alluded to Joe not knowing in the post and said that it doesn't take place in Kansas.

Really, I dunno! All my ideas have been eliminated- Cindy, Cinco, weddings, Kansas, Needville...

Ashlee Liddell said...

Okay, first things first....Lisa, I am telling the truth. So, just because it happening in Kansas fits everything, it is in fact NOT happening in Kansas, nor are any of the people currently residing in or visiting the fabulous midwest...

Laura, you are getting out of the cold, but I wouldn't say you were warm. The trouble is, you guessed someone who is involved but didn't tell me whether that person was involved in the surprise or the planning....


Lisa said...

I know, you are surprising me! That's it. Yes, the Bible study crew will meet at my house- *secluded* on the edge of 3 counties- and bring *food and desserts*, and um, we'll look at my *photo* albums, and um... Ashlee will wear a *skirt* cuz you know I don't wear skirts... and it'll be *fun* cuz um- the Wii will be there-

And no one will be married, having a baby, going on a cruise, in Kansas, renewing vows, having a Cinco party, or going to Needville.

I win.

Ashlee Liddell said...

well, Lisa has declared herself the winner.

Sadly, as fun as her answer sounds, none of it is correct.

Now, if you are inviting all of us to make that answer true, that is a whole other story! ;)

Laura said...

OK. So I mentioned Susan and Amber.. I could waltz my way down the hall and ASK Susan if she is planning something with you.. how would that go???

Ashlee Liddell said...

You tell me, miz laura beadle.... but I am still wondering if you were talking about planning with those people or surprising those people....that is the catch...

if you asked susan, she might not know, but could she be the one being surprised?!?!?!?


Laura said...

Yes but that is the thing.. BUT if it is a surprise FOR SUSAN. I would not want to ruin it either..

Ashlee Liddell said...

ask away and let's see what happens....


terriH said...

i officially give up. i'm guessing it has to do with someone there in texas and something going on there in which case i have no clue whatsoever.

i stand firm on mike is getting married.

peace, my sisters.

terriH said...

OR you are throwing a LUAU for Susan or Amber...

thus,the skirt (hula baby), food, photos, fun and dessert...

OR...mike is getting married.

Laura said...

can we ask question it happening tonight?

Tami said...

I want in!
You got a new Astros Dress and you and Sugar Land Joe are planning an outing for Amber at a baseball game in a secluded suite, where there is food and dessert

Laura said...

OH MY GOODNESS>> can i just have in on what Tami said.. OH MY GOODNESS!!!

Laura said...

They are playing at home...maybe it is a party with all the b.s. peoples and it is a surprise for someone... like amber?!?!

Lisa said...

The BS People. This makes me laugh. :)

Lisa said...

It's something about Susan but I don't know anything about Susan (?) Laura has the inside track it sounds like. Laura maybe Susan and Ashlee are planning to surprise YOU, hm?

Laura said...

Well. I could type it all out.. bible study peoples.. well.. bsp.. how about that?

Lisa said...

Sure, BSP is good, but BS People is fine- I like to laugh :) Being Friday, in need of antics, it's my goal to introduce myself to an unsuspecting co-worker as an official "B.S. Person" sometime before 5 today.

Ashlee Liddell said...

guessing is closed.

surprise to be revealed, complete with photos later today.

he he.

thanks for playing along!!!

terriH said...

so, miss ashlee, ya posted yesterday at 2:47 pm...and we had 24 hours to guess...and it's now 1:54 does that mean at 2:47 today, you'll let us know what this surprise is...

i'm dying here.

any more hints for us guessing peeps??

terriH said...

oy! i just missed ya on that whole time thing. we musta posted at like the same time...whoa...

Ashlee Liddell said...

oh terri.... as far as I know, mike is not getting

You can keep guessing, but the prize has already been delivered...

I promise to post soon!!

Lisa said...

What, someone won the prize?? I thought it was *meeee*. Did I have unknowingly have lunch with you today?