Friday, May 02, 2008

Riddle Revealed...

A phone call started this surprise rolling

you will have to guess, because I'm not telling

So, my fabulous friend Susan, called me yesterday and wanted to do a little celebrating! She had just finished her last class, and we already had plans for lunch today. So, she mentioned that Laura would be in her office, and the idea of a surprise just sprang forth!

A dynamic duo it will take to complete

Guessing this riddle will be some feat

So, Susan and I were the dynamic duo it took to pull the surprise off. For those who have never spent anytime with either of us, I am so sorry....because dynamic we are!

Food, fun, photos and dessert
Someone might even be wearing a skirt

Lunch from Pei Wei, photos of the surprise, and some yummy cookies for dessert. While no one was wearing a skirt, I was trying to hint about the gals involved!

A faithful blog reader will be included

Although the location is a little secluded

Laura is not only a faithful reader, but she probably is one of the most faithful commenters as well. It was such a blast to surprise her today, but even more fun just to sit next to her and enjoy some time spent in her company! And, as you can see, she was REALLY SURPRISED!!!

Thanks for guessing everyone! You never know when I might surprise you!


Laura said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you. You don't know how much I appreciated today!! IT was wonderful. AND reminded me of my first time to peiwei... Me and Liddell and some crabwontons.. mmmmmyummmo!

Ashlee Liddell said...

You are welcome. We need to get together more often....I miss you!

Laura said...

I!!!! Totally!!!!! AGREE !!!

I really really was SO surprised!

Joe said...

are you aware that lisa guessed correctly? refer back to yesterday's comments...towards the bottom she says "Laura, maybe Susan & Ashlee are planning to surprize YOU, hm." - she posted that at 11:42 and got no recognition for it...just thought i would point that out...

Ashlee Liddell said...

Joe, you are just trying to stir up trouble....

Even if one were to count that, lisa only guessed one third of the riddle. Early on Laura asked for clarification about what parts were to be guessed.... lisa did not guess location, or the actual surprise...

So, Joe, what do you think of that...

Rebecca said...

I think Joe's just a little bitter that he was not the one being surprised ;)

Lisa said...

Thanks for the support Joe! I agree- I won!!!

Ashlee, how bout lunch this week?? =)

Tami said...

How about you take Lisa to Lunch at my office and surprise me!!!

Tami said...

How about you take Lisa to Lunch at my office and surprise me!!!

Lisa said...

Lol, Ashlee now you hafta surprise all your faithful readers.

Laura said...

Maybe she can do something once a week...right?!?!

Ashlee Liddell said...

oh geez...

well, i bet that would get some of the lurkers out of the shadows, huh?

I wish I could, but I think once a week would be very lofty.

however, I do think I am going to work on planning some more suprises for the future.

dancing queen said...

I don't think anything can beat a good old fashioned blog contest. And Ashlee - you sure know how to make 'em. I never knew surprises could be so much! thanks for letting me play along. And we chose the right day and the right time and the right person to surprise.

Laura said...

YOU SURE DID .. i was very very surprise.. and very thankful!