Monday, May 05, 2008


I realize this sounds dramatic, emotional, and totally self-absorbed.

But, afterall, you are the one who came here....

My day has been horrible.

It has been so bad, I don't even want to blog about it.

But at the same time, I can't pretend everything is fine.


Double ugh.



Steph said...

Sorry you had such a bad day. It was just sort of a gloomy day all around, wasn't it?

Let me think what I would do after a TRIPLE UGH day...hmmm?...I think a good book, a bubble bath (especially when we had a ginormous, amazing bathtub (now we do not)), and a glass of white wine. ;)

Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Ashlee Liddell said...

I am following all three of your suggestions...except I am going with red! Thanks so much for the encouragement...

HeidiZizz said...

boo...go to wendy's and have a frosty and fries....but NOT AFTER you've had the wine....listen, i know you're a lightweight drunk! :) remember the first margarita???

Ashlee Liddell said...

I will never forget it! I just love that we shared that memory together :)

If tomorrow isn't better, I will go for the frosty and fries...

Missing you friend...

dancing queen said...

and on cinco de mayo - life should be a fiesta!

Laura said...

I'm sorry it was a bad one for you. I'll pray for a good one today. : )

Cinnamon Dolce.. it makes the world better.. ; )

terriH said...

well, today is now tuesday and i'm feeling like is could be a terrific tuesday for you. at least i hope it will be. if it's not...go for the bath and wine again but add some chocolate to the mix as well. oh, and have the frosty and fries with it. 'cept be careful in the tub with the frosty cuz it could melt quicker and could get rather messy and sticky at which then you could get frustrated all over again.........

loving you all the way from kansas!

kd_rundle said...

oh yes, definitely add chocolate to the bath and wine...dark chocolate pairs REALLY well with red wine, definitely a good finish to a yucky day

Rebecca said...

Hey Ash - I'm with you on the terrible days - but speaking as one that has them a lot - they do get better!! And I might just have to steal some of the suggestions given to you for next time (wine excluded ;) )

Thanks for being transparent on here.