Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sunday finds, volume IV

An interesting thing happened at coffee night this week. I brought some sample tea bags from the Cold Brew tea I mentioned on last week's Sunday finds to share with my favorite gals.

Since Lisa was the first one there, I offered her the tea bags first. She looked quizzically at me, and then confessed she had no clue what I was talking about.
"Didn't you read about it on my Sunday finds?" I asked, quite assured that EVERYONE who reads this blog clicks on the links I so carefully include on this special weekly post.
"No, I don't read your Sunday finds." she factually replied.
With great shock and awe, I continued to try and convince her to click on the pretty little links, but she assured me she was not going to give in to my pressure.
Had it not been for Tami arriving and assuring me that she clicked on all the links and enjoyed my Sunday finds post, I might not have brought you this week's finds. So, if you like this edition, head over to Tami's blog and tell her thank you for keeping Sunday finds alive.
Go here, and make sure you watch the video. Then, once you have finished the video, buy some of their coffee and tell all your coffee loving friends to try it as well. It is mind blowing to think drinking a cup of coffee could save someone's life, but it is true. Did you watch the video? Amazing, isn't it?

Friday night we had sliders for dinner at Bible Study. I think this might be a new record for us, but we have now had sliders three times in six months, which is just about as regularly as we have anything. I love to make sliders for Bible Study because Josh is so complimentary. So, today, I share with you one of my secret ingredients for sliders. Next time you make burgers, or grill some steaks, shake some of this in and you will be a rock star!
This is a Houston trademark. It is open 24 hours a day. I have lived in Houston for a good majority of my life, and I have never been. My goal this week is to go to the House of Pies and eat a slice of Bayou Goo. Because every Houstonian should. And yes, I will report back. So, if you want to have some pie with me, just leave a comment and perhaps we can dine of pie together!
And you? Any great "finds" you want to share with the rest of us?
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a fabulous Father's Day!


dancing queen said...

I love the House of Pies! When I was a little girl, I can remember that being a "special place" we'd go to after some event or when we had guests in town.

I specifically remember a time when my mom ordered some of pie 'a-la-mode' and then proceeded to ask for some SWEET~N~LOW for her coffee!

I'd love to join you, but I've got VBS every night this week. Maybe another time!

Lisa said...

Correction-- I said I had gone to one link before. Here's the thing- I roll over the links to see what the addy is, and most of them are selling things or are organizations. The one link I went to was more personal in comparison-- a fellow blogger. However, TODAY due to being outed in your post as one of the non-visitors of links, I went too most of the links. *ooooooooooh aaaaaaaaaah*
So, can I go to House of Pies too??

Ashlee Liddell said...

Yes! My plan worked on Lisa! Now you are invited to the House of Pies with me Lisa....when are you free?

Oh, Susan, maybe we could wait to go to the House of Pies until you can join in the fun...because it is always a party when you come along!!!! will be praying for your VBS this week!

Lisa said...

What, Ashlee? You're saying we should have coffee night at House of Pies? ;)

I'm free Tuesday and Thursday this week...

Cindyisms said...

Wow - I think I just saw something about this on the Food Network! All the combinations sound yummy - but I was thrown off slightly by the prices. Do they serve whole pies or slices? Either way, it all sounds so good, I'm sure it's worth it AND I'm thinking this is another HIWI phenomena : )

!Buen provecho!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Lisa, do you want to have pie and coffee this tuesday???

Because you aren't free on tuesday unless you are willing to skip out on coffee night for pie.....

Tami said...

I love Pie too!! And I don't think they kick people out around 11:00!
Ashlee, I love your Sunday Finds!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Thanks Tami!

And yes, we have settled for being kicked out at 11, but we certainly don't have to!

Let's see what tomorrow holds....