Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A welcome and some random tidbits for you...

Rumor has it that my sweet, precious grandmother has been visiting the blog this week. How is that for internet saavy?!? She wouldn't ever brag about her computer expertise, but she also has a facebook profile, which I think is just darn impressive!

So, if she ever leaves a comment ya'll give her some love, okay?

I love you Ma!

Today has been say the least.

I had a meeting with myself today. I was supposed to meet with one of my volunteers (who is notorious for cancelling) and when she called to tell me she couldn't make it because her dog had to go to the vet (and would you believe the only appointment was when we were supposed to meet?) I decided I would still keep the meeting.

I had lunch by myself. Then, I proceeded to complete all that we were to accomplish together, and then some.

Now if that isn't some fantastic leadership, I simply don't know what is!!!!

Then I had an accident. I wasn't going to blog about it, but then I figured what the heck....

Don't worry, not with another car, or not even on a road.... in a parking lot, with a dumpster. No comments on how someone could miss something as large as a dumpster, because I SAW THE DUMPSTER, I just did not see this arm-like thing it had sticking a foot off of it that crunched the back of my beautiful car, and the back windshield, really nice and ghetto like.

No, I wasn't on the phone.

And no, I wasn't going more than five miles an hour.

And yes, the whole windshield will have to be replaced, and the ghetto dent will stay for awhile because I haven't found my sugar daddy yet.....

But, the silver lining is that tonight is coffee night with my girls.

That can make up for any kind of day one has had....


Rebecca said...

I'm so impressed. Not that you had your meeting anyway, not that you got more accomplished than you would have with someone else there with you (cause you are just that good) but because you had lunch by yourself!!! I could never do that!

And about the car. Don't worry. There's a guy at work whose wrecked his truck three times running into poles at gas stations or in parking lots (those 3 foot ones.) He's crazy!!! But still sad to see your pretty car hurt!

Amy L said...

Way to go Ma! And I know she knows how to comment, because she's left one on our blog. :)

That stinks about the car. I accidentally backed into the garage door one time - helps to put it up before you put the car in reverse. Fortunately I had just started rolling and realized the door was down just as I bumped it. I felt so dumb!

Ashlee Liddell said...

I hear you Amy! I just feel ridiculous. It was worse than my untrained eyes could see and I had to file an insurance claim and the whole back door is going to have to be replaced...... ugh.

Several others have shared their own stories with me, so I do feel a little better!
