Monday, September 15, 2008

Thankful, yet again!

I woke up this morning smiling.

I was able to sleep part of the night - on my side!!! You see, I love to sleep on my side, my left side to be specific, and having no electricity has forced us to sleep in the coolest part of the house. And sadly, has left me in a recliner. Which, although I gave it a good shot, is not so easy to sleep in on one's side.

Also last night I was able to cover up, which I now realize is just as comforting and soothing to me as sleeping on my side.

You might be thinking I was able to do these things because we had our electricity restored, but we are still among the millions waiting.

But last night a cool front, a genuine cool front blew through town, and made it such that I didn't have to sleep on the recliner, and I could cover up!!! Small miracles and reminders of His faithfulness through each and every day.

I am surprised at what I have learned I am addicted to through this time period....and just how much we take for granted, living in America.

I have also been able to actually get almost a full day of work in for the first time since the middle of last week. For this, I have increased peace of mind, and an ever more restful spirit...

I have coveted your thoughts and prayers, and am blessed beyond measure....

Now, if only that electricity would kick on!!!!!


terriH said...

YAY for sleeping on your side...I totally understand that one! Hope your electricity comes on soon...meanwhile, cook some smores over an open fire. That will make anyone feel better :)

Ashlee Liddell said...

Oh Terri! Glad to see I am not the only one with crazy sleep habits!

I will keep the smores idea in mind, except that we have not a single ingredient for making smores, and from what I can tell the grocery store is not exactly the place I want to be right now....

I will have to pretend my granola bar is smores... :)