Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Any guesses?

I spent $45.63 yesterday and can't wait to tell you all about it.

Who knows why I am excited about saying goodbye to $45.63?


HeidiZizz said...

i know! were you at home depot? :)

Ashlee Liddell said...

nope...not at home depot. and I don't think they sell what I purchased at home depot!

HeidiZizz said...

hmmm...i thought maybe you were buying glass blocks...not that you haven't already done that of course!

let's see...you went to the dollar bins at target and just couldn't pass up 45 little tin pails....fall themed, for sure!

carahinojosa said...

Is that all it cost you to fill your car with gas???

Ashlee Liddell said...

Although filling my basket with 45 fall-ish bins from the target $1 spot is not at all outside the realm of possibility....

Cara guessed correctly! I filled up my eight passenger SUV for $45 bucks!

Can you believe it?!?!??!

Joe said...

i told heidi yesterday "I think she's talking about gas"...she's like "nope." i knew it!