Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What's in a name?

I have been thinking quite a bit lately about what is in a name. I have a wonderfully entertaining and thought provoking post coming about this, but somehow I just can't make it all come together.

So, I thought I would ask you married bloggers out there, how often are you referred to as Mrs. (insert your husband's name)?

I don't hear it very often any more, but then again that could be because I don't have a married name to be called...

So, the faster you answer this little poll...the faster you get a second post today!!!!


carahinojosa said...

Quite often actually. And while I love the sound of it, I usually say, "Please, call me Cara."

Amber said...

You know, I'm not sure that I ever have been...and I'm not sure how I would feel about it if someone did call me that.

terriH said...

um, not that often. course, i don't get out much either. i just go to work and no one calls me that at work...it's just "hey tph, terriph or terrip".

the few times someone has called me mrs. i almost want to laugh cuz it makes me sound old. i'm not old, though. i'm only 20. i'm in my prime. i can run for hours and stay up all night long.

what was this post about anyway???

Unknown said...

It doesnt happen to me that often. I cant even remember the last time I was referred to in this manner.

HeidiZizz said...

the only time i was called mrs. zizz on a regular basis was when i was in a classroom teaching. now my little prek kids at church usually call me miss heidi, but not mrs. zizz. i don't hear it that often in any conversations, really.