Friday, February 06, 2009

Take the poll, do a dance...

So, last night I got pulled over.

No lie. It was about 9:30 and I was on my way home from work. Going the same route I go about 96% of the time. I know the speed limits, I know the stoplights, stop signs, speed traps, etc. I might even be able to tell you when to turn with my eyes closed.

So, why did I get pulled over?

Apparently I "rolled" through a stop sign. I don't doubt the cop, because I honestly couldn't remember if I had stopped when he told me, and I wasn't even two blocks from the sign.

How could this happen? Well, I was pretty deep in thought about a couple things that had happened yesterday, and I honestly just think I was in auto drive mode.

Graciously, the cop simply gave me a warning and told me to pay attention. After a series of questions like, "Ma'am, are you confused?" and "Do you know where you are?" and other questions that showed he was wondering if I was awake or under the influence.....

So, it made me think...

How many times have you been pulled over?
a) I can't count that high!
b) more than 10...don't judge me!
c) just a few, I am a safe driver and follow all traffic laws....almost all!
d) never, I am an insurance agent's dream!

How many times have you been pulled over and received a warning?
a) Never....I'm not a girl! (or my luck has never extended to getting out of tickets!)
b) Never, remember I've never been pulled over?!?
c) Maybe, but I don't remember...
d) Every single time.... I've got serious charm!

And just for kicks....tell us your best being pulled over story.... you know you want to!

Let the poll dancing begin!


Laura said...

Well. C on the first one. And the second.. no option.

I have been given a warning 2 of the 4 times I have been pulled over.
My best story. Makes me the maddest. Last July I got pulled over for speeding. We were on our way back from Madagorda Island. And We were on a country road that was 65 mph. And it is all open fields. I turned on to another road that is 55. Before I could even get to 55. I got pulled over. He said I was going 65. And I told him. Yes. I was going 65 on that other road. But I just got on this road. And I had not even gotten up to 55. He asked. "Have you been drinking?" I responded "NO sir.Besides the fact that it is illegal. I have my children in the car." When he stepped back to look at my plates Joseph told me to let him give me a ticket b/c he was looking for something to give me tickets on.
He then asked me if I was sure if ALL of our things were strapped down properly and safely in the back. I told him YES. I was sure b/c I was the one who did it. I had to step out and he wanted to know why my husband was not driving. And was I sure I had not been drinking. I told him as politely as I could. I had not had a single drink that day. But My husband had so he was NOT driving b/c that would be ILLIGAL.
I showed him all my stuff in the back all strapped down. Took my speeding ticket that I did not think I deserved. And went on my merry way. What is bad is I had gotten a ticket 5 months earlier and NO defense driving for me.

THAT ticket. Would be the most intersting. The houston police officer that pulled me over for 7 over the limit. Stood and chatted with me about the Astros for 30 minutes handed me my ticket and told me to have a great day. I thought FOR SURE I would get a warning on that day. But apparently the love the the 'stros is not enough to get out of a ticket. : )

Laura said...

Blog with in a blog.. gotta love it!

HeidiZizz said...

Well, I like poll dance Friday! :)

For the first question: answer D. Never been pulled over.

For the second question: answer B. Never been pulled over, sheesh...I just said that!

As the answers indicate above, I personally do not have a good pulled over story...however, I do believe that I was with you Miss A one time when you got pulled over in Manhappenin, KS on Poyntz...remember?!

Amber said...

Oh, Heidi, I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one! My answers are also D and B.

Ashlee Liddell said...

Well, at least Laura had a good story! Sheesh...who knew my friends were such goody two shoes!!! :)

Heidi, I think that might have been the first time I was pulled over, I do know it was certainly my first ticket-and only!-ticket. I thought for sure we were going to have an incident with miz spacely and jordo in the back! What a great story...thanks for making me smile!

dancing queen said...

Can't remember you exact questions - but yes, I've been pulled over several (more than 3 but less than 20) time....and many of those by little town police (Deer Park, Pasadena, etc).

Last time was similar to your story - once I realized he had his lights on 'for me' I could see my driveway, so I just pulled in front my house. Don't remember not stopping at the sign (or light) whatever.

Best story....from mid-90s - on my way to volunteer with the YMCA at a local school - tickets for 1) school speed zone 2) insurance card not current 3) inspection outdated 4) car tags not current. And it was right in front of the school. Then I had to go and immediately do my volunteering. I hated that day!

Jenn Jones said...

Poll dancing....that might be one of the best things I've heard in a long time.
To answer the poll.....never been pulled over. I can't speed if I try. When I go kart racing, I'm the one in the back going the slowest and signaling lane changes. I'm way too safe!

Ashlee Liddell said...

Oh Susan.....oh dear susan.... that was a bad day!


Jenn, that doesn't surprise me! All these law abiding drivers who are my friends....

Lisa said...

C- pulled over 4 times I think

Between C and D...I got a warning 1 out of 4 times. Two of the remaining times, the officer intended for the ticket to be dismissed by the judge but it did NOT work out. Once the officer told me that he was making an example of me in front of co-workers (yes pulled over AT WORK) because were all notorious speeders, but he told me with a wink to go see a specific judge for it who was the husband of a co-worker to take care of the ticket. The judge sadly died two days later. (Sadly in general not because I couldn't clear my ticket.)

The second time, the officer said he must issue the ticket because his partner was in training, but since it was for not having in insurance card in the car, he said the judge would dismiss it immediately if I had insurance in hand. Then as you know I accidentally missed my court date and became a WANTED WOMAN this past December.

The third time was just me speeding in my firebird when I was 16. No excuse there.

Congrats on getting a warning. No crying involved even? Oh Smashlee and her charms.

HeidiZizz said...

I'm all ready for more poll dancing!!!!